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Safety Advisory – Date Rape Drugs

By Contributing Writer on November 3, 2015

Dear Colgate Community,

I write to alert you that the university has recently received reports of a number of sexual assaults that suggest the involvement of so-called “date rape drugs” in social and residential spaces on campus.

The use of drugs to facilitate sexual assault has been widely reported across the country. Date rape drugs such as Rohypnol, GHB, and Ketamine can easily be slipped into an unsuspecting person’s drink. Rapid and severe intoxication follows, along with dramatically reduced inhibitions and memory loss. In this condition, anyone can be extremely vulnerable to sexual assault. Symptoms of date rape drug ingestion include dizziness and/or nausea, memory loss, breathing or motion difficulties, and behaving disproportionately intoxicated relative to the amount of alcohol consumed.

If you believe that you or another person have been the victim of a date rape drugging, I strongly encourage you to immediately contact Campus Safety (228-7333), any member of the Equity Grievance Panel, or local law enforcement. You may seek confidential support at the Counseling Center (228-7385) or Student Health Services (228-7750) or the Office of the Chaplains (228-7682).

If you have any information regarding the use of date rape drugs in our community in any fashion, I ask you to come forward. The university will promptly and thoroughly investigate all circumstances where the information received enables us to do so.

Colgate University unequivocally condemns sexual assault in all circumstances and expects all members of our community to live by our code of conduct.


Suzy Nelson
Vice President and Dean of the College

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