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Professor Monk discusses after-the-fact efforts that attempt to make sense of the United States of America’s election

By Geography Department on November 22, 2016

Observing the potential impact of nuclear decommissioning on a community

By Geography Department on November 11, 2016

Professors Hays-Mitchell and Graybill co-edit Cities of the World, 6th ed

By Geography Department on April 4, 2016


Along with Stanley D. Brunn, and Donald J. Zeigler, Professor Hays-Mitchell and Associate Professor Graybill co-edited the Sixth edition of Cities of the World: Regional Patterns and Urban Environments.

The publisher notes: ‘This edition focuses specifically on urban environmental issues, social and economic injustice, security and conflict, the history of urban settlement, urban models, and daily life. Building on 2015 as the Year of Water, the book introduces urban water concerns as a common undercurrent running through all chapters. The contributors explore how water affects cities and how cities affect water—from glacier loss to growing aridity, sea-level rise, increased flooding, potable water scarcity, and beyond. Vignettes of key cities give the reader a vivid understanding of daily life and the “spirit of place.” ‘


Professor Jessica Graybill Receives Two Grant Awards

By Geography Department on May 20, 2015

Professor Jessica Graybill was part of two large grant awards this spring.

The first is from the Belmont Forum/International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research (IGFA) for $17,000 as a co-PI to write a synthesis regarding sustainability in the Arctic.  The project brings together an international team of expects from seven Arctic countries to develop an interdisciplinary synthesis and assess the state of knowledge about Arctic sustainability and sustainable development for the project “Arctic SUStainability: A Synthesis of Knowledge.”  Total award amount for the entire project is close to half a million Euros.  The IGFA is an agency that works proactively and on an action-orientated basis to enhance cooperation and coordination of global environmental change research. (More information here.)

Professor Graybill’s second award is for an National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Coordination Network (RCN) for the collaborative project “Arctic COASTal Community and Environmental Resilience International Interdisciplinary Research Coordination Network.”  The project will support the establishment of network for the science-policy interface among researchers, policy and decision makers, and young local and indigenous leaders to better understand and enhance resilience to ongoing dramatic changes in the Arctic.  Total award amount for the 4-year grand is about $500,000 USD.  (Details here.)