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GeoPizza! 2018

By dkeller on April 19, 2018

Geology students rolled up their sleeves and faced rolled-out doughs, meeting the Geo Pizza! challenge by transforming blank doughs, red sauce, pesto, cheeses and assorted other toppings into fabulous geology-themed pizzas. Geo-themed desserts also made a strong showing at this year’s event, which was topped off by a special tribute given by the students to retiring geology professor, Rich April.

Check out the photos of some of the many fine pizzas and the great ideas behind them.

(Click and swipe left or right to see next picture.)

The evening begins...

The first GeoPizzas! of the evening take shape...

Julia  Barcello with the evening's 1st GeoPizza! ready for the oven!

Meghan Duffy and her Bio-remarkable 'Za!


Strike! but no slip! Chef Hayley Pearson presents her very popular cheesy Focal Mechanism 'Za

Erica Nathan's Enceladus 'Za   boldly went where no GeoPizza had gone before!


Brainstorming fun ... (l to r: Chelsea Jacques, Shae Labbe, and Dhara Patel)

Kudos to Julia's Wollastonite Ore 'Za! (Call me "pyroxenoid" but I never would have believed such a splintery mineral would go so well on a pizza!)

Good friends & good fun
Sam Timothy & Mark LaPan's tasty-looking 'za shows why it's always good to leave room for "Mohr" pizza!

Gotta love Lava Peeps 'Za!  - a true "masterpizza!" thanks to Chefs Henry & Julia Peck!

No (-) about it!  A++ to Dhara, Chelsea, & Shea on their  Uniaxial OA Figure 'Za!

...and their "THE Geology Pizza" was also a popular 'pick.' You can 'axe' anyone.

Lily Daggett & Austin Sun celebrate massive friendships with their "Massif" Pizza...

 ...that includes "kindaAlex" too

It looks like a fun time was had by all...
... except maybe Sam... (Just joking Sam, as I hope you were.)
Good stories continue as the pizza making comes to an end.
The final GeoPizza! of the night - Maddie's Hornblende 'Za  - packed with a bit of everything just like the mineral's chemical composition

Great & much appreciated desserts...

Rich April reads a retirement card full of special thanks from the students...

... who are pretty special too.

Bruce Selleck Memorial

By dkeller on October 14, 2017

A Celebration of Life Service to remember Professor Bruce Selleck ’71 was held on Saturday, October 14, 2017 in the Colgate Memorial Chapel, followed by a reception in the Robert H.N. Ho Science Center Atrium, and a geology alumni gathering in the Green Room at the Colgate Inn later that night. These are just a few pictures from those events, where so many came to honor and celebrate Bruce – a wonderful colleague, inspiring professor, and generous, caring man, who will be long remembered for his wit, wisdom, and seemingly boundless knowledge.

(Click and swipe left or right to see next picture.)

The old CU gang
Chief (Jim McLelland) & Art Goldstein visit with a group of alumni outside the chapel.
Ho atrium reception
Ho atrium reception
Ho atrium reception
Ho atrium reception
Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering
Duncan Keller and Alex Taylor share a spirited conversation at the Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering
Colgate Inn gathering

GeoPizza! 2017

By dkeller on June 8, 2017

Once again the GeoPizza! challenge to make geology-themed pizzas from blank pizza doughs, red sauce, pesto, cheeses, and a wide variety of toppings was more than met by geology students, faculty, staff and their families. This year we even saw our first 2-crust creation: a cookie-sheet-sized flat slab “Subduction Calzone,” complete with an accretionary wedge and magnetic anomalies. To go along with the 18 GeoPizza! creations that were served, everyone also enjoyed a choice of two salads, trilobite crudités, chips & dips, assorted beverages, as well as some delicious potluck GeoDesserts!

Check out the photos of this year’s event along with some of the many fine pizzas and the great ideas behind them.

Click image below to launch slideshow of the event.

GeoPizza! makin begins

GeoPizza! making begins! (L to right: Mark LaPan, Victoria Arnold, Hayley Pearson, Isabel Dove, and Adrian Heath)

GeoPizza! 2017 Pre-party prep

GeoPizza! 2017 – A glimpse of the pre-event preparations.

First GeoPizza! makers of the night

The first GeoPizza! makers of the night (l to r: Taylor Dawson, Natalie Smith, Dhara Patel, Megan Martis, Monica Dimas, and Hayley Pearson)

Pineapple dunes

Pineapple dunes, broccoli vegetation, a cheese beach, and a meat ocean… Natalie Smith & Ellis Van Slyke recreate the dissipative beach they learned about in Marine Geology this term

good conversation & trilobite crudites

Relaxing & enjoying good conversation and trilo-crudites (l to r: Oleg Kozel, Nate Taylor, Adam Coles, Glenna Thomas, Hannah Bercovici, and Megan Duffy)

Barrovian Sequence 'za

Victoria Arnold & Mark LaPan and their Barrovian Sequence ‘za. (The oven must have been hotter toward the back.) (Adam Coles in the background)

Barrovian Pizza ready for the oven

A better look at the Barrovian Sequence ‘za (l to r: Mark LaPan, Victoria Arnold, Isabel Dove, and Hayley Pearson)

Hmmm, what next?

GeoPizza! chef Isabel Dove explains the design, while co-chef Hayley Pearson ponders what comes next.

Centered Uniaxial OA 'za

A+ ! to Isabel Dove & Hayley Pearson for correctly remembering and labeling their Centered Uniaxial Optic Axis Figure ‘za!! Tasty right down to the melatope!

Isabel & Hayley

Another nice picture of Isabel and Hayley

Oleg & his first garnet corona

Oleg & his first garnet corona

Coronitic Anorthosite pizza

Oleg’s thesis topic pizza – Coronitic Anothosite ‘za, complete with scale bar and zircon crystal.

Oleg prepare his GeoPizza! as Martin watches

Prof. Martin Wong seems impressed by Oleg Kozel’s GeoPizza! creation.

Oleg Kozel & his Coronitic Anorthosite GeoPizza!

Oleg proudly displays his Coronitic Anorthosite ‘za, fresh from the oven.

Diatom GeoPizza!

The beauty of diatoms captured in pizza… Fragilariopsis kerguelensis ‘za (Say that 3 times fast!)

No,I'm not typing that name again :- )

Megan Duffy & Aurelia Casarubias ready to bite into their Fragilariopsis Kerguelensis ‘za – winner of this year’s “Name is a Mouthful Award.” It looks mighty tasty too!

Ciara and her Bivalve GeoPizza

Ciara Pettinos & her Bivalve Project Study Area GeoPizza! – a nod to her thesis topic. Who knew ‘clams’ went so well on a pizza!

GeoPizza! chefs

Some early GeoPizza!s take shape. (pizza makers – l to r: Isabel Dove, Hayley Pearson, Jake Mahr, and Hannah Bercovici; visible faces in background: Jackson Lucas and Aurelia Casarubias)

Hannah & Jake present their pizza

Hannah & Jake show what Galapa-goes well on their Galapagos Archipelago GeoPizza!

#seniors #thesistears

Jackson Lucas, Kaylie Patacca, Kayla Robinson, and Glenna Thomas begin their GeoPizza! with pesto and lots of smiles.

Nate & Crustal Shortening GeoPizza!

Crustal deformation makes a tasty creation – Nate Taylor and his Crustal Shortening ‘za

T-rex GeoPizza! in the works

Megan Martis (l) and Monica Dimas (r) admire Dhara Patel’s GeoPizza! masterpiece… (see the next slide)

T-rex GeoP!

And here it is… Dhara’s T-rex-erriific GeoPizza! (It’s now extinct)

Monica & Megan present their GeoPizza!

Monica & Megan had a mountain of fun making their own GeoPizza! too – the M & M Orogeny ‘za

PTzza Diagram

It’s a pizza… it’s a PT diagram! Shazamm! It’s a PTzza Diagram!! Sam is shocked by the sheer brilliance their GeoPizza! idea.  (l to r: Sam Timothy, Adam Coles, and Adrian Heath; Mark LaPan and Victoria Arnold int the background)

PTzza and chefs

And here it is… a true masterpizza! by Sam Timothy, Adam Coles, & Adrian Heath

Taylor & Katie's LPO pizza

Taylor Dawson & Katie Karnes present their LPO Pattern ‘za

Table of 'Za

Table of ‘Za
(& salad)

#Seniors #ThesisTears

#Seniors #ThesisTears – Seniors: Kaylie Patacca, Jackson Lucas, and Glenna Thomas are Feeling Sedimentary at their last GeoPizza! before graduating.

2 crust Subduction Calzone

A GeoPizza! first!!  A two-crust Subduction Calzone (and not just in the continental vs. oceanic crust sense) (The ‘volcano’ even ‘erupted’ tomato paste during cooking)

Glenna & Oleg and the cooked Subduction Calzone

And here are the creators with their cooked 2-crust Subduction Calzone – Glenna Thomas & Oleg Kozel.

Aubreya Adams & normal fault cake

Geophysics Prof. Aubreya Adams pinpoints the epicenter of a fine dessert.

A few other GeoDesserts!

GeoDesserts! – Normal Fault Cake, Zeolite Cookies & Oolitic Limestone Bars

GeoPizza! designs and descriptions clearly show everyone learned a lot this year :- )

GeoPizza descriptions #2

A few more descriptions…

GeoPizza descriptions #3

And last but not least…

GeoPizza! 2016

By dkeller on March 1, 2016

Forty geology students, faculty, staff and their families once again rose to the GeoPizza! challenge by making some very creative (& tasty) geology-themed pizzas from blank pizza doughs, red sauce, pesto, cheeses, and a wide assortment of toppings. In addition, salads and beverages were also provided by the geology department. Potluck geo-themed desserts made a great showing this year, including: a Wicked Local Trilobite, Columnar Jointing, “Pan”-gea, Elastic Rebound a la Panna Cotta, Fault Breccia along a Shear Fault, and Pillow Basalt Monkey Bread!

A total of twenty pizzas, plus one “Subduction Calzone,” were created at this year’s event. Check out the photos of some of the many fine pizzas and the great ideas behind them.

Click image below to launch slideshow of the event.

Petrology students (left to right: Alex Taylor, Seamus Crowley, Austin Sun, Lily Daggett, and Regina Pimentel) & their Skaergaard Intrusion Pizza.

Mighty tasty-looking layered mafic intrusion! Petrology students (left to right: Alex Taylor, Seamus Crowley, Austin Sun, Lily Daggett, and Regina Pimentel) & their Skaergaard Intrusion Pizza.

The first GeoPizza! of the night takes shape. (l to r: Martin Wong, Taylor Dawson, Maggie McGuire, and Sarah Katz)

The first GeoPizza! of the night takes shape. (l to r: Martin Wong, Taylor Dawson, Maggie McGuire, and Sarah Katz)

Ciara Pettinos and Becca Siladi proudly display their Lahar Field Pizza.

Ciara Pettinos and Becca Siladi proudly display their Lahar Field Pizza.

Kevin Varga (background) is very excited to finally make it to a GeoPizza! night. Mike Dubois adds his potluck creation to the dessert table while Connie Soja chats with surprise visitor, alum Giulianna Kafaf. Prof. Aubreya Adams in the foreground.

Kevin Varga (background) is very excited to finally make it to a GeoPizza! night. Mike Dubois adds his potluck creation to the dessert table while Connie Soja chats with surprise visitor, alum Giulianna Kafaf. Prof. Aubreya Adams in the foreground.

One of many fabulous GeoPizzas! - Meg Ryan gave a nod to her senior research topic with her Greenops Pizza

One of many fabulous GeoPizzas! – Meg Ryan gave a nod to her senior research topic with her Greenops Pizza.

Something tells me that piece of bacon never made it onto a pizza... Dave Linsley, enjoying the "hors d'oeuvres."

Something tells me that piece of bacon never made it onto a pizza… Dave Linsley, enjoying the “hors d’oeuvres.”

Pizza making in full swing! (visible faces, l to r: Sarah Katz, Jessica Hwang, Becca Siladi, Kate Hardock, Grace Howard, and Annie Preston)

Pizza making in full swing! (visible faces, l to r: Sarah Katz, Jessica Hwang, Becca Siladi, Kate Hardock, Grace Howard, and Annie Preston)

GeoPizza! in full swing - Part 2. (visible faces l to r: Ciara Pettinos, Taylor Dawson, Oleg Kozel, Martin Wong, Sarah Katz, & Maggie McGuire; in background - Connie Soja, Mike Dubois, Kevin Varga, Dave Linsley)

GeoPizza! in full swing – Part 2. (visible faces – l to r: Ciara Pettinos, Taylor Dawson, Oleg Kozel, Martin Wong, Sarah Katz, & Maggie McGuire; in background – Connie Soja, Mike Dubois, Kevin Varga, Dave Linsley)

Geophysics professor, Aubreya Adams, presents her Focal Mechanism Pizza.

Geophysics professor, Aubreya Adams, presents her Focal Mechanism Pizza.

Thumbs up! The pizzas taste as good as they look! (l to r: Julia Horne, Taylor Dawson, Megan Duffy, Kaylie Patacca, Ciara Pettinos, Becca Siladi, and Annie Preston)

Thumbs up! The pizzas taste as good as they look! (l to r: Julia Horne, Taylor Dawson, Megan Duffy, Kaylie Patacca, Ciara Pettinos, Becca Siladi, and Annie Preston)

And the pizzas look really good! Glenna Thomas amid some beautiful creations.

And the pizzas look really good! Glenna Thomas amid some beautiful creations.

Kate Hardock and Grace Howard with their Olivine Conglomerate Pizza.

Kate Hardock and Grace Howard with their Olivine Conglomerate Pizza.

Myongsun & Julia Peck work on a Magma Chamber Pizza. (Maybe that should have been a 'deep crust' pizza??)

Myongsun & Julia Peck work on a Magma Chamber Pizza. (Maybe that should have been a ‘deep crust’ pizza??)

Looking forward to sampling the Magma Chamber... Julia & Henry Peck.

Looking forward to sampling the Magma Chamber… Julia & Henry Peck.

A few more GeoPizzas take shape. (l to r: Giuliana Kafaf, Kevin Varga, Jessica Hwang, Oleg Kozel, Kate Hardock, Glenna Thomas, & Megan Duffy?)

A few more GeoPizzas take shape. (l to r: Giuliana Kafaf, Kevin Varga, Jessica Hwang, Oleg Kozel, Kate Hardock, Glenna Thomas, & Megan Duffy?)

Kevin Varga & Jessica Hwang enjoyed making their "When the Levee Breaks" pizza.

Kevin Varga & Jessica Hwang enjoyed making their “When the Levee Breaks” pizza.

Glenna Thomas & Kate Hardock with their Leonardo Di Caprio's Plight Pizza

Glenna Thomas & Kate Hardock with their Leonardo Di Caprio’s Plight Pizza

A first for GeoPizza! - The Subduction Calzone

A first for GeoPizza! – The Subduction Calzone

Future geology students, please don't look too closely at this one... Hopefully Taylor, Meg and Annie answered the question just as masterfully.

Future geology students, please don’t look too closely at this one… Hopefully Taylor, Meg and Annie answered the question just as masterfully.

Pizza making continues... (l to r: Regina Pimentel, Austin Sun, Alex Taylor, Seamus Crowley, Lily Daggett, & Oleg Kozel)

Pizza making continues… (l to r: Regina Pimentel, Austin Sun, Alex Taylor, Seamus Crowley, Lily Daggett, & Oleg Kozel)

Oleg and the second of three of his creations - Prograding Shoreline X-Section w/ Gamma Ray Log and Eustatic Sea Level Curve. even the name is a mouthful!

Oleg and the second of three of his creations – Prograding Shoreline X-Section w/ Gamma Ray Log and Eustatic Sea Level Curve. Even the name is a mouthful!

Megan Duffy & Kaylie Patacca represent Amy Leventer's diatom lab well with their beautiful Asteromphalus Pizza.

Megan Duffy & Kaylie Patacca represent Amy Leventer’s diatom lab well with their beautiful Asteromphalus Pizza.

The Rock Hammer Pizza was a smash hit!

The Rock Hammer Pizza was a smash hit!

Meg Ryan & Annie Preston take GeoPizza! design to a new level...

Meg Ryan & Annie Preston take GeoPizza! design to a new level…

Oleg Kozel, Glenna Thomas, and Becca Siladi create a 3-D pizza masterpiece of their own.

Oleg Kozel, Glenna Thomas, and Becca Siladi create a 3-D pizza masterpiece of their own.

And here it is: Strike-slip Pizza, complete with tomato-olive seismologist

And here it is: Strike-slip Pizza, complete with tomato-olive seismologist

Oleg slices along the fault...

Oleg slices along the fault…

A few close-ups of some GeoPizza descriptions.

A few close-ups of some GeoPizza descriptions.

And a couple more...

And a couple more…

Last but not least - a few pictures of the calm before the storm...

Last but not least – a few pictures of the calm before the storm…

Geo Pizza! 2015

By dkeller on July 7, 2015

Geology students, faculty, staff and their families attended the 2015 Geo Pizza! – a dinner where students are challenged to transform blank doughs, red sauce, pesto, cheeses and assorted other toppings into geology-themed pizzas. Attendees are also strongly encouraged to bring geo-themed desserts.

Twenty-one pizzas were created at this year’s event. Check out the photos of some of the many fine pizzas and the great ideas behind them.

Click image below to launch slideshow of the event.

Seamus Crowley, Grace Howard, Natalie Smith, and Alex Taylor working on their pizza creation

Seamus Crowley, Grace Howard, Natalie Smith, and Alex Taylor working on their pizza creation

The first pizza creations of the night take shape.  Left to right: Shannon Dillon (front), Giulian Kafaf, Jen Godbout, Emily Holzman, Dave Linsley, Annie Preston, William Peck, Kaylie Patacca, Matt Bosselait, and Glenna Thomas

The first pizza creations of the night take shape. Left to right: Shannon Dillon (front), Giulian Kafaf, Jen Godbout, Emily Holzman, Dave Linsley, Annie Preston, William Peck, Kaylie Patacca, Matt Bosselait, and Glenna Thomas

Annie Preston & Kaylie Patacca present their isopach map of the 2015 Ka'iulannie Volcano eruption.

Annie Preston & Kaylie Patacca present their Isopach Map of the 2015 Ka’iulannie Volcano Eruption Pizza.

Alex Lagowitz's pizza featured a pepperoni Stegosaurus.

Alex Lagowitz’s creates his pepperoni Stegosaurus Pizza.

Oleg's Pyritohedron Pizza, Jeff & Tom's Transform Fault Pizza, and Nat & Ciara's Volcano Pizza wait for their turn in the oven.

Oleg’s Pyritohedron Pizza, Jeff & Tom’s Transform Fault Pizza, and Nat & Ciara’s Volcano Pizza wait for their turn in the oven.

Glenna Thomas & Hannah Bercovici and thier Ubehebe Intrusion Pizza

Glenna Thomas & Hannah Bercovici look ready to dig into thier Ubehebe Intrusion Pizza

Duncan Keller & Prof. Rich April set to work on their Slightly Off0center Uniaxial Optic Axis  Figure Pizza

Duncan Keller & Prof. Rich April set to work on their Slightly Off-center Uniaxial Optic Axis Figure Pizza

And here it is!

And here it is!

Jackson Lucas proudly presents his Exsolution and Partial Melting Pizza

Jackson Lucas proudly presents his Exsolution and Partial Melting Pizza

Jen Godbout honors her senior research field site with her Roger's Glen Pizza

Jen Godbout honors her senior research field site with her Roger’s Glen Pizza

Pizza making in full swing.  In foreground left to right: Jeff Koch, ?, Tom Bartlett, Prof. William Peck, Giuliana Kafaf, Myongsun Kong, Peter Swiggert, and Oleg Kozel

Pizza making in full swing. In foreground left to right: Jeff Koch, ?, Tom Bartlett, Prof. William Peck, Giuliana Kafaf, Myongsun Kong, Peter Swiggert, and Oleg Kozel

Some of the desserts we were treated to included "Pan"-gea!, Plagiocake, and Evaporite Nodule Cookies.

Some of the desserts we were treated to included “Pan”-gea!, Plagiocake, and Evaporite Nodule Cookies.

Prof. Bruce Selleck  (away leading the Wales study group) was there "in pizza" thanks to his research students: Emily Holzman, Giuliana Kafaf, JD Schiff, and Peter Swiggert. JD & Peter are missing from photo but Tom Bartlett jumped in to send his regards to Bruce.

Prof. Bruce Selleck (away leading the Wales Study Group) was there “in pizza” thanks to his research students: Emily Holzman, Giuliana Kafaf, JD Schiff, and Peter Swiggert. JD & Peter are missing from photo but Tom Bartlett jumped in to send his regards to Bruce.

Geo Pizza! fell on Earth Day this year so Seamus Crowley, Alex Taylor and Grace Howard celebrated the day with their pizza map of the Earth

Geo Pizza! fell on Earth Day this year so Seamus Crowley, Alex Taylor and Grace Howard celebrated the day with their pizza map of the Earth

Good conversation and pizza.  Around the table from the left: Jeff Koch, Oleg Kozel (standing), Mik Redovian, Prof. Amy Leventer (standing), Duncan Keller, Kaylie Patacca, Annie Preston, Jen Godbout, as Emily Holzman laughs at something Tom Bartlett (back to us) just said.

Good conversation and pizza. Around the table from the left: Jeff Koch, Oleg Kozel (standing), Mik Redovian, Prof. Amy Leventer (standing), Duncan Keller, Kaylie Patacca, Annie Preston, Jen Godbout, and finally, Emily Holzman laughing at something Tom Bartlett (back to us) just said.

Ciara Pettinos & Natalie Smith had a blast making their Volcano Pizza (pardon the pun)

Ciara Pettinos & Natalie Smith had a blast making their Volcano Pizza (pardon the pun)

Rich April gives a "thumbs up" to Oleg Kozel's Pyritohedron Pizza.

Rich April gives a “thumbs up” to Oleg Kozel’s Pyritohedron Pizza.

What a team!  Oleg Kozel & Duncan Keller make the Silica Polymorph Phase Diagram easier to digest.

What a team! Oleg Kozel & Duncan Keller make the Silica Polymorph Phase Diagram easier to digest.

Peter Swiggert and his Langerstååten Pizza.

Peter Swiggert and his Langerstååten Pizza.

Shannon Dillon's pizza tribute to her senior research on corals

Shannon Dillon’s pizza tribute to her senior research on corals

Can tough guys make a tasty Transform Fault Pizza?  Jeff Koch & Tom Bartlett prove they can.

Can tough guys make a tasty Transform Fault Pizza? Jeff Koch & Tom Bartlett prove they can.

A couple more senior research pizzas - Duncan Keller's Exsolution Pizza and Matt Bosselait's Pyroclastic Flow Pizza.

A couple more senior research pizzas – Duncan Keller’s Exsolution Pizza and Matt Bosselait’s Pyroclastic Flow Pizza.

GEOL 320 – OC Summer 2014

By dkeller on July 28, 2014

Click the image below to launch a slideshow of images from the trip


The group at Arches National Park


Prof. Bruce Selleck addresses the group in an outdoor classroom with quite a view.


Mikhaila Redovian and Mike Dubois get a feel for the geology


Prof. William Peck and Annie Preston work together on some field mapping.


Taking some notes on a steeply dipping outcrop


We’ll be done for the day after we map all those rocks ahead…

Mike Dubois proudly displays a fine catch.

Mike Dubois proudly displays a fine catch.

Tom Barlett, trout impersonator

Tom Bartlett, trout impersonator

A little OC scenery

A little OC scenery

View from the top

Taking in the view from the top

Field notes -- Prof. William Peck at the helm of a hardworking group of students

Field notes — Prof. William Peck at the helm of a hardworking group of students

Prof. Bruce Selleck describes the geology of a spectacular outcrop to the group

Prof. Bruce Selleck describes the geology of a spectacular outcrop to the group

Giuliana Kafaf and Matthew Bosselait - Those aren't glacial striations in that tree!

Giuliana Kafaf & Matthew Bosselait – Er… I don’t think those are glacial striations in that tree…

Kevin Varga certainly agrees... Nothing like a good meal after a hard day in the field.

Kevin Varga certainly agrees… Nothing like a good meal after a hard day in the field.

Nick Jones prepares dessert.

Nick Jones prepares dessert.

Colgate geologists enjoying a fine day together on the rocks.

Colgate geologists enjoying a fine day together on the rocks.

Tom Bartlett shows how much he appreciates Prof. Martin Wong

Tom Bartlett shows how much he appreciates Prof. Martin Wong

Annie Preston, Ryan Clements, Kate Hardock, Jen Godbout, and Avalon Bunge contemplate the hot springs.

Annie Preston, Ryan Clements, Kate Hardock, Jen Godbout, and Avalon Bunge — very deep in thought at the hot springs.

Pondering the outcrop.

Pondering the outcrop.

OC 2014 students (left to right) front: Tom Bartlett, JD Schiff, Giuliana Kafaf, Avalon Bunge, Sarah Katz, Kate Hardock, Jen Godbout, Mikhalia Redovian, Annie Preston, Mike Dubois, Ryan Clements: back: Kevin Varga, Hunter Robertson, Matthew Bosselait, and Andrew Kingsley.

OC 2014 students (left to right) front: Tom Bartlett, JD Schiff, Giuliana Kafaf, Avalon Bunge, Sarah Katz, Kate Hardock, Jen Godbout, Mikhalia Redovian, Annie Preston, Mike Dubois, Ryan Clements: back: Kevin Varga, Hunter Robertson, Matthew Bosselait, and Andrew Kingsley.

Geo Pizza! 2014

By dkeller on April 20, 2014

Close to forty geology students, faculty and staff and their families attended the 2014 Geo Pizza! – a dinner where we provide blank doughs, red sauce, pesto, cheeses and assorted other toppings and challenge the students to create geology-themed pizzas. Students are also highly encouraged to bring geo-themed desserts.

Twenty-one pizzas were created at this year’s event. Check out the photos of some of the many fine pizzas and the great ideas behind them.

Click image below to launch slideshow of the event.

Ashlynne Rando listens as Rachel Walsh presents an idea for their pizza

Ashlynne Rando listens as Rachel Walsh presents an idea for their pizza


Giuliana Kafaf looks on approvingly as Mikle Dubois displays his pizza-making prowess

Giuliana Kafaf looks on approvingly as Mike Dubois displays his pizza-making prowess


Clockwise from left, Amy Leventer, Hanah Berkovici (head turned), Meg Ryan with Julia Peck on lap, Maggie McGuire, Kate Hardock, William Peck, Henry Peck (in chair), Myongsun Kong, and Annie Preston, enjoy good company and good food in the den

Clockwise from left, Amy Leventer, Hannah Berkovici (head turned), Meg Ryan with Julia Peck on lap, Maggie McGuire, Kate Hardock, William Peck, Henry Peck (in chair), Myongsun Kong, and Annie Preston – enjoying good company and good food in the den


Maggie McGuire, Kate Hardock, and Sarah Katz have their Contact Metamorphism of a Himalayan greenschist granite ready for the oven

Maggie McGuire, Kate Hardock, and Sarah Katz have their Contact Metamorphism of a Himalayan Greenschist Granite Pizza ready for the oven


In the foreground (left to right) Jen Godbout, Emily Butler, Katherine Schultz, Anay Shah, and Sam Brenman share a laugh, while back in the kitchen, Profs. Martin Wong and Connie Soja converse with Sarah Katz, Avalon Bunge, Maggie McGuire, and Giuliana Kafaf

In the foreground (left to right) Jen Godbout, Emily Butler, Katherine Schultz, Anay Shah, and Sam Brenman share a laugh, while back in the kitchen, Profs. Martin Wong and Connie Soja converse with Sarah Katz, Avalon Bunge, Maggie McGuire, and Giuliana Kafaf


Katherine Schultz and Sam Brenman seem quite pleased with how their BIF Pizza turned out

Katherine Schultz and Sam Brenman seem quite pleased with how their BIF Pizza turned out


Annie Preston and Julia Horne present their Igneous Intrusion 'Za

Annie Preston and Julia Horne present their Igneous Intrusion ‘Za


Josh Solomon and Josh Lasker begin work on their Structure of Life Pizza while Mik Redovian and Hunter Robertson work on creations of their own

Josh Solomon and Josh Lasker begin work on their Structure of Life Pizza while Mik Redovian and Hunter Robertson work on creations of their own


Olivine Pizza representing a plane-light view of dunite in thin section

Olivine Pizza — a plane-light view of dunite in thin section


A full table - (clockwise from left) Giuliana Kafaf, Rachel Walsh, Ashlynne Rando, Ryan Clements, Josh Riefler, Mike Dubois, Jen Godbout, Hunter Robertson (standing ), Emily Butler, Rick Cummings, and Anay Shah

A full table – (clockwise from left) Giuliana Kafaf, Rachel Walsh, Ashlynne Rando, Ryan Clements, Josh Riefler, Mike Dubois, Jen Godbout, Hunter Robertson (standing), Emily Butler, Rick Cummings, and Anay Shah


Structural geologist,  Martin Wong enjoys watching Sarah Katz and Maggie McGuire brainstorm about their contact metamorphism pizza

Structural geologist, Martin Wong enjoys watching Sarah Katz and Maggie McGuire brainstorm about their contact metamorphism pizza


Giuliana Kafaf writes up a description of the Gumball Pizza that she and Avalon made

Giuliana Kafaf writes up a description of the Gumball Pizza that she and Avalon made


Avalon Bunge and Giuliana Kafaf proudly display their Gumball Pizza

And here it is!  Avalon Bunge and Giuliana Kafaf proudly display their Gumball Pizza


A happy crew - (front) Hanah Bercovici, Kate Hardock, Annie Preston, Maggie McGuire, and Meg Ryan; (back) Josh Riefler, Josh Lasker, and Megan Switzer

A happy crew – (front) Hannah Bercovici, Kate Hardock, Annie Preston, Maggie McGuire, and Meg Ryan; (back) Josh Riefler, Josh Lasker, and Megan Switzer


With graduation approaching, Josh Solomon and Josh Lasker use pizza to relate the Earth's structure to this turning point in their lives

With graduation approaching, Josh Solomon and Josh Lasker use pizza to relate this turning point in their lives to the Earth’s internal structure

I'm not sure what William said when he took this picture but Avalon Bunge, Mik Redovian, and Matin Wong enjoyed it.  Also pictured here -Hunter Robertson (left), Dave Linsley (back), and Emily Butler right)

I’m not sure what William said when he took this picture but Avalon Bunge, Mik Redovian, and Martin Wong clearly enjoyed it. Also pictured here – Hunter Robertson (left), Dave Linsley (back), and Emily Butler right)


Profs. Bruce Selleck and Martin Wong share some laughs with Josh Lasker and Josh Solomon, while in the background Shannon Dillon, Mik Redovian, Avalon Bunge, and Sarah Katz talk with Prof. Rich April

Profs. Bruce Selleck and Martin Wong share some laughs with Josh Lasker and Josh Solomon, while in the background Shannon Dillon, Mik Redovian, Avalon Bunge, and Sarah Katz talk with Prof. Rich April


A few of the other pizzas we enjoyed

A few of the other pizzas we enjoyed

Geo Pizza! 2013

By dkeller on April 18, 2013

Geo Pizza! is a department dinner where we provide blank doughs, red sauce, pesto, cheeses and assorted other toppings and challenge the students to create geology-themed pizzas. Geo-themed desserts are also highly encouraged.

It is always well attended, and always a fun time.  Twenty-two pizzas were created at this year’s event. Check out the photos of some of the many fine pizzas and the great ideas behind them.   A few pizzas that we missed getting photos of include: Galápagos Pizza, Lagerstatten Pizza, 180˚ Recumbent Fold Pizza, and an Andersonian Mechanics Pizza.

Click image below to launch slideshow of the event.

A flurry of pizza making activity - Prof. William Peck and Caitlyn Cunningham decide to start with a red sauce.

A flurry of pizza making activity – Prof. William Peck and Caitlin Cunningham decide to start with a red sauce.


Everyone was anxious to Try-A-Bite of this trilobite pizza.

Everyone was anxious to Try-A-Bite of this trilobite pizza.

Halley Goldman and Molly Gilligan prooudly display their Soil Profile Pizza - a nod to their senior research projects

Halley Goldman and Molly Gilligan proudly display their Soil Profile Pizza – a nod to their senior research projects

Mike Leidl surveys the pizza making from behind  while Halley Godman and Molly Gilligan contemplate their first steps and watch Kara Vadman and Clem Dunne lay the base for their creation.

Mike Leidl surveys the pizza making from behind while Halley Goldman and Molly Gilligan contemplate their first steps and watch Kara Vadman and Clem Dunne lay the base for their creation.

Rita Van Kirk - escited to try her creation

Rita Van Kirk – excited to try her creation

Pizza making in full swing - (back row, from left to right) Molly Gilligan, Kara Vadman, Caitlin Cunningham, and  Jacky Baughman: (in the foreground. l to r) - Rita Van Kirk and Matt Shramko

Pizza making in full swing – (back row, from left to right) Molly Gilligan, Kara Vadman, Caitlin Cunningham, and Jacky Baughman: (in the foreground. l to r) – Rita Van Kirk and Matt Shramko

Megan Switzer, Avalon Bunge, and Josh Riefler are very happy with how their BIF Pizza turned out.

Megan Switzer, Avalon Bunge, and Josh Riefler are very happy with how their BIF Pizza turned out.

Visiting Prof. Jeni McDermott's Diffusion Pizza

Visiting Prof. Jeni McDermott’s Diffusion Pizza  (P.S. The oven was actually at 260˚C – I’m not sure if that interfered with the diffusion but the taste was great)

Duncan Keller's Mylonite Pizza was a 'shear' success.

Duncan Keller’s Mylonite Pizza was a ‘shear’ success.

Molly Clinton works on a Wine Bottle Pizza in honor of her senior thesis on vineyard soils

Molly Clinton works on a Wine Bottle Pizza in honor of her senior thesis on vineyard soils

Megan Switzer and Mik Redovian pay tribute to Dave Linsley's thin section making techniques, with their "Eh, Roughfully 30 Microns" Pizza.

Megan Switzer and Mik Redovian pay tribute to Dave Linsley’s thin section making techniques, with their “Eh, Roughfully 30 Microns” Pizza.

Halley Goldman honors James Hutton by portraying his famed unconformity

Halley Goldman honors James Hutton by portraying his famed unconformity

The diatom crew, Allegra Bianchini, Mik Redovian, and Kara Vadman prepare a beautiful and truly delicious Siliceous Diatom Pizza.  In background, Mike Fusco (red shirt) for scale :- )   In foreground Caitlyn Cunningham and Jacky Baughman work on a pizza of their own

Amy Leventer’s diatom crew, Allegra Bianchini, Mik Redovian, and Kara Vadman prepare a beautiful and truly delicious Siliceous Diatom Pizza. In background, Mike Fusco (red shirt) for scale :- ) In foreground Caitlin Cunningham and Jacky Baughman work on a pizza of their own

Soil Profile Pizza and Trilobite Pizza take shape

Soil Profile and Trilobite Pizzas take shape

Lava Flow PIzza

Lava Flow PIzza

A Connie Soja creation

A delicious Connie Soja dessert

Prof Connie Soja delivers a fresh 'blank canvas' as Danny Roesler samples the fare, Caitlin Cunningham and Chris Guiney look on, Kara Vadman and Jacky Baughman brainstorm over what to add next and Clem Dunne works on her creation

Prof Connie Soja delivers a fresh ‘blank canvas’ as Danny Roesler samples the fare, Caitlin Cunningham and Chris Guiney look on, Kara Vadman and Jacky Baughman brainstorm over what to add next and Clem Dunne works on her creation

Geo Pizza! 2012

By dkeller on April 17, 2012

On Geo Pizza! Night, we provide blank doughs, red sauce, pesto, cheeses and assorted other toppings and challenge the students to create geology-themed pizzas. Geo-themed desserts are also highly encouraged.

Geo Pizza 2012 was attended by about 45 people. Pizza creations included: a Metamorphic Facies Diagram Pizza, Copahue Volcano Pizza, Mega Meaty Metamorphic Monstrosity Pizza, Silica Tetrahedron Pizza, Ductile Flow Pizza, BIF Pizza, Snowball Earth Pizza, Migmatite Pizza, Oxidation of the Atmosphere Pizza, Not Martin Pizza (?), Rapakivi Granite Pizza, Soil Horizon Pizza, and a Cross-section of the Earth’s Surface Pizza. For geo-themed desserts we were treated to: Worms & Dirt, Marble Cheesecake, BXA Cake, Trilobite Cookies, Asteromphalus spp. and Actinocyclus actinochilus, Earth Strata Cake, and “Nothing says yum quite like a banded iron formation.”


Click image below to launch slideshow of the event.


Alex Crawford and Bo Montanye look on as Duncan Keller creates a migmatite pizza, and Halley Goldman and Lauren Frisch brainstorm on their soil profile pizza



Molly Gilligan chats with Megan Switzer, while Megan and Andrew DeGory enjoy some excellent pizza


Rapakivi Granite pizza – a Josh Lasker & Josh Solomon creation


Karen Alley and Rich April enjoy a good conversation while the pizzas are cooking


Sam Ely surveys the scene as Caroline LaBriola and Molly Gilligan chat, and Andrew DeGory writes up a description of his Geo Pizza creation


Brittany Phillips and Rachel Walsh


The Geochem Lab research crew – Halley Goldman, Lauren Frisch, and Sarah Lemon (missing from picture: Barbie)


Di (yes, it is hot work putting pizzas in and out of the oven) happy to be with her geochem lab crew.


Prof. Martin Wong and a group of students enjoy a good conversation around the table.  (clockwise from Martin: Josh Solomon, Molly Gilligan, Caroline LaBriola, Max Ephraim, ?, Tyler Peters, Anay Shaw, Megan Switzer, and Sam Ely

GEOL 320 – OC Summer 2011

By Contributing Writer on August 30, 2011

Click the image below to launch a slideshow of images from the trip.



Geo Pizza! Night March 2011

By dkeller on March 6, 2011

For Geo Pizza! Night, we provide blank doughs, red sauce, pesto, cheeses and assorted other toppings and challenge the students to create geology-themed pizzas. Geo-themed desserts are also highly encouraged.


Pizza creations for 2011 included: The Reverse Fossil Pizza (all meat, no bones), Earth’s Structure Pizza, Metamorphic Meat Lovers Stuffed Crust Pizza, Green Schist Pizza, Pizza del volcán, and Triple Cheese Volcano Explosions Pizza. For geo-themed desserts we were treated to: Consequences of Global Warming cake, World’s Oldest Zircon Cake, and Upside-down Volcano cake.

Click image below to launch slideshow of the event.

Geo Pizza! prep area

The Geo Pizza! prep area always draws a crowd


Anay & Sam

Anay & Sam prepare their Geo Pizza! creation

Structure of the Earth Pizza

Structure of the Earth Pizza

Martin & Olivia Wong

Martin & Olivia Wong

Enjoying good friends and good pizza

Enjoying good friends and good pizza

Talk poster autographed by the distinguished speaker, Prof. Wong

Caroline proudly displays talk poster autographed by the distinguished speaker, Prof. Wong

Hilary O'Brien, Susie Boote & Gary Marshall

Hilary, Susie & Gary

Brandon & Matt

Two thumbs up from Brandon & Matt

William, Caroline, Gary & Andrew

William, Caroline, Gary & Andrew

Geology BBQ – Summer 2010

By Contributing Writer on August 30, 2010

Click the image below to launch a slideshow of images from the BBQ.







GEOL 320 – OC Summer 2009

By Contributing Writer on August 30, 2009

Click the image below to launch a slideshow of images from the trip.


The group studies an outcrop



Why did the geology student cross the road? Well – look at that roadcut! – Phil Clayton


Taking e a bearing


Rebecca Tortorello, Seghan MacDonald, and Katie Garman enjoy the scenery


A little R & R at Seminoe Reservoir


Exploring at Craters of the Moon


Mellissa Cross and Stephanie McClellan are amazed by the wide variety of Will Cushman’s photo faces


back row l to r: Steffan Pierre, Phil Clayton, Will Cushman, Trevor Halfhide, Seghan MacDonald, Ilona, Matulaitis, Karen Harpp; front row l to r: Nick Pollock, Christian Rathkopf, Hilary O’Brien, Emmett Weatherford?, ?, Katie Garman, and Mellissa Cross


Yellowstone hot springs


Yellowstone hot springs


Wowed by the geology at Seminoe Reservoir


Seminoe Reservoir plunge


Climbing the columnar basalts at Sheepeater Cliffs, Yellowstone


Hang on Christian!

GEOL 430 – Seminar on Acid Rain Adirondack Field Trip – October 2008

By Contributing Writer on October 31, 2008

Click the image below to launch a slideshow of images from the trip.


The group prepares to test stream water chemistry


Lauren Idleman, Miguel Rodriguez, and Elin Brown dig a pit to examine Adirondack soils

Lauren Idleman, Miguel Rodriguez, and Elin Brown dig a pit to examine Adirondack soils

More water testing on East Canada Creek - left to right: Lauren Idleman, Miguel Rodriguez, Veronica Hanus, Christian Rathkopf, Elin Brown, and Sam Hunt

Water testing – left to right: Lauren Idleman, Miguel Rodriguez, Veronica Hanus, Christian Rathkopf, Elin Brown, and Sam Hunt

Sam Hunt, Christian Rathkopf, and Miguel Rodriguez - Upper East Canada Creek

Sam Hunt, Christian Rathkopf, and Miguel Rodriguez

Prof. Rich April talks to the group about water pH and alkalinity

Prof. Rich April talks to the group about water pH and alkalinity


Miguel looks a bit shocked at what Rich had to say


Jason Fredricks collects a water sample from a tributary stream


A nice quartz vein through the granitic gneiss – unfortunately it won’t do a lot to buffer the effects of acid precipitation


Layers of heavy minerals in a sandy glacial outwash deposit


A large glacial erratic – Jason Fredricks for scale


Rich April points out something interesting in the bouldery till

Geology Club Trip to the Barton Garnet Mine September 2006

By Contributing Writer on September 30, 2006

Click the image below to launch a slideshow of images from the trip.


Stephanie Tubman is excited to arrive at the Barton Garnet Mine



Pre-hunt anticipation sets in


The garnet hunt is on


Wow! Now that’s a big garnet!



Garnet hunting at the Barton mine


Garnet hunting


Stephanie Tubman and a very nice sample that’s just a bit too big to take home

Alexis Coplin - a very happy garnet hunter

Alexis Coplin – a very happy garnet hunter


Alexis Coplin and Steph Tubman – It was a stormy day at the garnet mine.


Great Scott! It’s a newt!


Braving the elements


This is what we came for

Geology Off Campus – Western Leg – Summer 2003

By Contributing Writer on August 30, 2003

Click the image below to launch a slideshow of images from the trip.

Part of the group suffering from oxygen deprivation above Loveland Pass. Back row: Adam Masur, Kevin Kelly, Mike Meredith; 2nd row: Tricia Hutchins, Emma Barth, Michael Scherr; Front row: Victor Matos, Kristi Woodworth, Alison Koleszar, Liz Rampe

Part of the group suffering from oxygen deprivation above Loveland Pass. Back row: Adam Masur, Kevin Kelly, Mike Meredith; 2nd row: Tricia Hutchins, Emma Barth, Michael Scherr; Front row: Victor Matos, Kristi Woodworth, Alison Koleszar, Liz Rampe


Morning mist over Seminoe Reservoir

Morning mist over Seminoe Reservoir

Feeling inspired at Inspiration Point, Bryce Canyon Frank Cherena, Bruce Selleck, Darren Karn, Jimmy Maritz, and Kristi Woodworth

Feeling inspired at Inspiration Point, Bryce Canyon – Frank Cherena, Bruce Selleck, Darren Karn, Jimmy Maritz, and Kristi Woodworth

That's a Kevin sandwich! Mapping in the Seminoes -   Kristi Woodworth, Kevin Kelly,  and Tricia Hutchins

That’s a Kevin sandwich! Mapping in the Seminoes – Kristi Woodworth, Kevin Kelly, and Tricia Hutchins

Group at Loveland Pass, Continental Divide. Back row: Michael Scherr, Tricia Hutchins, Adam Mansur, Ashley Nagle, Liz Rampe, Victor Matos, Alison Koleszar, Emma Barth; Front row: Mike Meredith, Darren Karn, Kevin Kelly, Jimmy Maritz, Kristi Woodworth, Frank Cherena

Group at Loveland Pass, Continental Divide. Back row: Michael Scherr, Tricia Hutchins, Adam Mansur, Ashley Nagle, Liz Rampe, Victor Matos, Alison Koleszar, Emma Barth; Front row: Mike Meredith, Darren Karn, Kevin Kelly, Jimmy Maritz, Kristi Woodworth, Frank Cherena

The group in Seminoe State Park, Wyoming - Back row: Dennis Geist, Darren Karn, Ashley Nagle, Alison Koleszar, Victor Matos, Adam Mansur, Frank Cherena, Michael Scherr, Jimmy Maritz; 2nd row standing: Liz Rampe, Kristi Woodworth, Tricia Hutchins; Seated: David Linsley, Mike Meredith, Emma Barth, Kevin Kelly

The group in Seminoe State Park, Wyoming – Back row: Dennis Geist, Darren Karn, Ashley Nagle, Alison Koleszar, Victor Matos, Adam Mansur, Frank Cherena, Michael Scherr, Jimmy Maritz; 2nd row standing: Liz Rampe, Kristi Woodworth, Tricia Hutchins; Seated: David Linsley, Mike Meredith, Emma Barth, Kevin Kelly

Liz Rampe, Alison Koleszar and Karen Harpp - 'Butt' mapping

Liz Rampe, Alison Koleszar and Karen Harpp – ‘Butt’ mapping

Braving the elements, Seminoe State Park

Braving the elements, Seminoe State Park

Frank, Ashley, Liz and Emma coloring outside the lines

Frank Cherena, Ashley Nagle, Liz Rampe, and Emma Barth – Coloring outside the lines

Kickin' the rock around -  Michael Scherr, Darren Karn, Victor Matos, and Jimmy Maritz

Kickin’ the rock around – Michael Scherr, Darren Karn, Victor Matos, and Jimmy Maritz

Coming back from the ol' swimmin' hole Jimmy Maritz and Tricia Hutchins

Coming back from the ol’ swimmin’ hole – Jimmy Maritz and Tricia Hutchins

Victor Matos, Michael Scherr, and Emma Barth - a happy group after unearthing Quaternary 'fossils'

Victor Matos, Michael Scherr, and Emma Barth – A happy group after unearthing Quaternary ‘fossils’

Faithful paleontological expert, Dave Linsley  and Mike Meridith, faithful TA

Faithful paleontological expert, Dave Linsley and Mike Meredith, faithful TA

Mike Meredith and Kevin Kelly at camp - Seminoe State Park

Mike Meredith and Kevin Kelly at camp – Seminoe State Park

Structural Geology Trip 2002

By Contributing Writer on October 15, 2002

Click the image below to launch a slideshow of images from the trip.

Stromatolite heads, Saratoga NY

Stromatolite heads, Saratoga NY

Johny Chaklader, Victor Matos & Chris Karmosky view Amphibolite/greenstone outside Jiminy Peak Ski area south of Williamstown MA

Johny Chaklader, Victor Matos & Chris Karmosky view Amphibolite/greenstone outside Jiminy Peak Ski area south of Williamstown MA

Taconic folding in carbonate unit near Whitehall NY

Taconic folding in carbonate unit near Whitehall NY

Victor Matos at the Stromatolite heads, Saratoga NY

Victor Matos at the Stromatolite heads, Saratoga NY

Tekla Harms (Amherst College) and Colgate students at Triassic fanglomerate, Deerfield Basin, CT River Valley, MA

Tekla Harms (Amherst College) and Colgate students at Triassic fanglomerate, Deerfield Basin, CT River Valley, MA

Victor Matos on early Paleozoic pillow basalts in western Massachusetts

Victor Matos on early Paleozoic pillow basalts in western Massachusetts

Late Proterozoic Iapetan rift basin conglomerate near Austerlitz NY

Late Proterozoic Iapetan rift basin conglomerate near Austerlitz NY

William Miller Window through Taconic Thrust sheet into Laurentian shelf carbonate, between Whitehall NY and Fair Haven VT

William Miller Window through Taconic Thrust sheet into Laurentian shelf carbonate, between Whitehall NY and Fair Haven VT

Johny Chaklader, Chris Karmosky & Victor Matos examine ripple marks in the Potsdam Sandstone, right above unconformity, Lake George NY

Johny Chaklader, Chris Karmosky & Victor Matos examine ripple marks in the Potsdam Sandstone, right above unconformity, Lake George NY

Geology Club Trip to the Herkimer Diamond Mine September 2002

By Contributing Writer on September 30, 2002

Click the image below to launch a slideshow of images from the trip.

Intrepid diamond hunters - Adam Skarke, Linda Chernak, Di Keller, Ashley Nagle, Chris Karmosky, and Darren Karn - prepare to hit the mine.

Intrepid diamond hunters – Adam Skarke, Linda Chernak, Di Keller, Ashley Nagle, Chris Karmosky, and Darren Karn – prepare to hit the mine.


Visiting Professor Allen Dennis and his family joined us for the hunt.

Visiting Professor Allen Dennis and his family joined us for the hunt.

Adam Skarke takes aim.

Adam Skarke takes aim.

Adam Skarke takes a whack at finding some diamonds.

Adam Skarke takes a whack at finding some diamonds.

Ashley Nagle seems very pleased with her find.

Ashley Nagle is very pleased with her find.

A lot of rocks to choose from but Darren Karn tries to pick a good one.

A lot of rocks to choose from but Darren Karn tries to pick a good one.

Allen Dennis checks out Chris Karmosky's loot.

Allen Dennis checks out Chris Karmosky’s loot.

Linda Chernak holds up a really nice find.

Linda Chernak holds up a really nice Herkimer Diamond that she found.

Linda's big find.

Linda’s big find (and bruised knuckle).

Darren Karn breaks out the big sledge hoping for a big find.

Darren Karn breaks out the big sledge hoping for a big find.

A little worse for the wear after a hot day at the mine...

A little worse for the wear after a very hot day at the mine…

... but very pleased with our finds.

… but very happy with all our great finds.

GEOL 320 – Southern Adirondacks – OC Summer 2002

By Contributing Writer on August 30, 2002

Click the image below to launch a slideshow of images from the trip.

Mike Meredith, Jason Williams, and Bret Doverspike measure dip directions of crossbeds in Pleistocene delta deposits, Caroga Lake NY

Mike Meredith, Jason Williams, and Bret Doverspike measure dip directions of crossbeds in Pleistocene delta deposits, Caroga Lake NY


Bret Doverspike, Evan Goldstein, and Drew Koff (top) examine sedimentary structures in sand deposits, near Caroga Lake NY

Bret Doverspike, Evan Goldstein, and Drew Koff (top) examine sedimentary structures in sand deposits, near Caroga Lake NY

Four students demonstrating dip directions in sand quarry

Vanessa Simpson, Emily Toffic, Liz Hoekwater, and Emily Constantine demonstrate dip directions at sand quarry near Caroga Lake, NY

Four students at sand quarry near Caroga Lake, NY

Vanessa Simpson, Emily Toffic, Liz Hoekwater, and Emily Constantine at sand quarry near Caroga Lake, NY

Two students review exposed sedimentary layers

Liz Hoekwater and Drew Koff find some channel lag deposits.

Students review deposits and write notes

Emily Constantine, Jay Barr, Bret Doverspike, and Jason Williams ponder the origin of these deposits.

Students use shovels to manipulate sand.

Drew Koff, Evan Goldstein, Jason Williams, Mike Meredith, and Adam Skarke make a 3D model of the depositional environment.

Students struggle to dig in packed earth.

Hmm, maybe next time we should try this in a spot where the trucks haven’t compacted the ground so much.

Drew Koff, Evan Goldstein, Emily Toffic and Emily Constantine proudly present their soil pit.

Drew Koff, Evan Goldstein, Emily Toffic and Emily Constantine proudly present their soil pit.

Jay Barr, Liz Hoekwater (in pit), Vanessa Simpson and Adam Skarke give evidence that this soil developed in bouldery till

Jay Barr, Liz Hoekwater (in pit), Vanessa Simpson and Adam Skarke give evidence that this soil developed in bouldery till

Emily Constantine, Evan Goldstein, Emily Toffic and Drew Koff Soil pits just don't get any better than this!

Emily Constantine, Evan Goldstein, Emily Toffic and Drew Koff
Soil pits just don’t get any better than this!

Luke Dwyer, Bret Doverspike, Jason Williams and Mike Meredith (in pit) find a nice thick O-horizon

Luke Dwyer, Bret Doverspike, Jason Williams and Mike Meredith (in pit) find a nice thick O-horizon

Testing acidity and alkalinity of upper East Canada Creek

Testing acidity and alkalinity of upper East Canada Creek

Mike Meredith and Luke Dwyer analyze alkalinity

Mike Meredith and Luke Dwyer analyze alkalinity

More pH and alkalinity tests- Jason Williams and Vanessa Simpson

More pH and alkalinity tests- Jason Williams and Vanessa Simpson

Still testing the waters- Emily Toffic and Evan Goldstein

Still testing the waters- Emily Toffic and Evan Goldstein

Pondering the results - Liz Hoekwater and Drew Koff

Pondering the results – Liz Hoekwater and Drew Koff

pH and alkalinity tests downstream at Dolgeville  - hmmm, these rocks look different

pH and alkalinity tests downstream at Dolgeville
– hmmm, these rocks look different

Drew Koff and Liz Hoekwater take a pH reading

Drew Koff and Liz Hoekwater take a pH reading

Jason Williams and Vanessa Simpson watch for the indicator color to change, Dolgeville NY

Jason Williams and Vanessa Simpson watch for the indicator color to change, Dolgeville NY

Drew Koff finishes the alkalinity test while Liz Hoekwater get a closer look at the falls, Dolgeville NY

Drew Koff finishes the alkalinity test while Liz Hoekwater get a closer look at the falls, Dolgeville NY

Drew Koff and Evan Goldstein anticipate a fine meal at the House of Pizza, Gloversville NY

Drew Koff and Evan Goldstein anticipate a fine meal at the House of Pizza, Gloversville NY

The pizza eating contest is on! Jay Barr, Adam Skarke and Jason Williams

The pizza eating contest is on!
Jay Barr, Adam Skarke and Jason Williams

Looks good! Myongsun Kong, Emily Toffic and Emily Constantine

Looks good!
Myongsun Kong, Emily Toffic and Emily Constantine

Give me some pizza NOW! Liz Hoekwater, Luke Dwyer and Bret Doverspike

Give me some pizza NOW!
Liz Hoekwater, Luke Dwyer and Bret Doverspike

Watching ducklings from the dock, Canada Lake NY Jason Williams, Emily Toffic, Emily Constantine and Bret Doverspike

Watching ducklings from the dock, Canada Lake NY
Jason Williams, Emily Toffic, Emily Constantine and Bret Doverspike

Mike Meredith- designated silica content tester  back at the cabins, Canada Lake Store

Mike Meredith- designated silica content tester
back at the cabins, Canada Lake Store

The coveted Golden Shovel Awards- Best Soil Profile goes to Emily Toffic, Emily Constantine, Drew Koff & Evan (I told you ours was best) Goldstein

The coveted Golden Shovel Awards- Best Soil Profile goes to Emily Toffic, Emily Constantine, Drew Koff & Evan (I told you ours was best) Goldstein

The Golden Shovel Award for Best Organic Mat Removal (one piece!) goes to Vanessa Simpson, Liz Hoekwater, Jay Barr and Adam Skarke

The Golden Shovel Award for Best Organic Mat Removal (one piece!) goes to Vanessa Simpson, Liz Hoekwater, Jay Barr and Adam Skarke

... and finally the Golden Shovel Award for Finding the Water Table (but missing the assigned canopy) goes to Mike, Bret and Jason

… and finally the Golden Shovel Award for Finding the Water Table (but missing the assigned canopy) goes to Mike, Bret and Jason

Jason Williams and Evan Goldstein display part of their prize- a new van mascot

Jason Williams and Evan Goldstein display part of their prize- a new van mascot

Bret Doverspike, Emily Toffic, and Liz Hoekwater canoeing on Canada Lake

Bret Doverspike, Emily Toffic, and Liz Hoekwater canoeing on Canada Lake

Geology Off Campus Trip – Western ‘Leg’: Summer ’02

By Contributing Writer on August 30, 2002

Click the image below to launch a slideshow of images from the trip.

Two students at a scenic point near a body of water

Jason Williams and Evan Goldstein admire the view at Seminoe State Park, Wyoming


Students gather at picnic table for food

Students – Emily Constantine, Bret Doverspike, Liz Hoekwater, Drew Koff, and Emily Toffic work on their mapping project as Dave Baird surveys their progress.

Students collaborate on marking up topographical map

Students – Jason Williams, Evan Goldstein, and Liz Hoekwater work on their mapping project as Paul PInet and Dave Baird watch.

Student in cowboy hat points at topographical map

Jay Barr and Jason Williams present their findings to the group.

Students sit in camping chairs, working

Emily Constantine, Emily Toffic, Luke Dwyer, and Drew Koff relax with some good reading.

Student writing on a clipboard

Mike Meredith reviews his field map.

OC Western Leg '02 - 7

Drew Koff, Luke Dwyer, Emily Toffic and Emily Constantine enjoy some good reading at the campsite.

OC Western Leg '02 - 8

Accommodations at Seminoe Campground

OC Western Leg '02 - 9

Who needs a tent on a beautiful morning?

Student places a vacuum cleaner on the counter at a diner

Jason Williams cleans up as Drew Koff supervises.

Students pose for a picture around the Loveland Pass sign

The crew at the Continental Divide – back row: Emily Toffic, Mike Meredith, Bret Doverspike, Venessa Simpson, Liz Hoekwater, Drew Koff, Evan Goldstein, and Emily Constantine; front row: Luke Dwyer, Jay Barr, Adam Skarke, and Jason Williams.

Students pose at a scenic view on a mountaintop

Bret Doverspike, Drew Koff, Emily Toffic, Evan Goldstein, Jay Barr, and Mike Meredith