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Father’s Day Traditions From Around The World

By Lauren Marshall on June 19, 2015

Looking to spice up Dad’s special day? Try incorporating some of these fathers_day_around_worldinternational traditions into your day.


In Thailand, Father’s Day is celebrated on the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyade, on December 5. King Bhumibol Adulyade, The Father of the Nation, is very much beloved by the Thai people. Thai tradition is that everyone wears yellow on Father’s Day, the “official color” of Monday, the day of the week the King was born. Children start the day off by giving their fathers a Canna flower, which is considered to be a masculine plant.

To bring these Thai traditions to your own family, have everyone in your family wear Dad’s favorite color on Father’s Day. You could also give him a favorite plant or flower that he can plant in the yard.


A typical Father’s Day celebration in South Africa is very similar to U.S. traditions. Children give their fathers gifts, and go on picnics. Many families spend the day fishing, as well.

To celebrate Father’s Day the South African way, your family could start the tradition of fishing together as a family.


Father’s Day in Germany is called Vatertag or Männertag (Man’s Day). It is always celebrated on a Thursday, about 40 days after Easter. Their celebration usually begins with a men only hike, accompanied by wagons filled with food, beer, and wine. The wagons are pulled by the men. In German cities, the party has become more sophisticated, with men going to beer gardens to drink all day.

Want to celebrate Father’s Day the German way? Organize a group of dads who enjoy a mutual sport or hobby, and make a day of it.


Father’s Day is celebrated much the same in Mexico as it is in the U.S. with specially prepared meals, and gifts to dads in celebration of all that they do for their families. In Mexico City, an annual, city-wide 21-kilometer race takes place in honor of Father’s Day.

Feeling energetic? Start the Mexican tradition of a long family hike or run on Father’s Day each year.


However you may celebrate Father’s Day, make it special for your dad — and the other father figures in your life.

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