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Messages on the national election

By Contributing Writer on November 16, 2016

November 10, 2016
11:20 a.m.

Dear Colgate Community,

Over the past day and a half, I have met with many students and have heard from many other members of this community—faculty, staff, and students—regarding the results of the presidential election. This was a campaign marked by extremely harsh discourse, much of it aimed at some of the most vulnerable members of our nation. Many members of our own academic community, including women, immigrants, people of color, the LGBTQ community, Muslims, and members of other religious groups felt this directly, and many have grown concerned that this election season has called into question some of our most fundamental values.

It is important, first, to recognize the very real pain and concern of those who were the target of this rhetoric. It is also essential that we commit ourselves as a university, and as a nation, to the fundamental values of community, civility and respect. This means that we must pledge ourselves to creating an inclusive community that honors the dignity of all and allows every one of us to achieve to their fullest.

Academic communities like Colgate should aspire to be a model of these values, and so I am extremely grateful to the faculty members who have already offered opportunities for us to come together to understand the impact and potential implications of this election, helping us to engage with the issues facing our nation, and the world.

The diversity of our own campus is a profound source of strength and is fundamental to our mission; and the work of our university, the education of students, is as important today as it has ever been. I will continue to work with the Office of the Dean of the College to support our students, and with every member of our campus community to ensure that this university embodies the principles of inclusion, respect, and equity.


Brian W. Casey

November 9, 2016
11:50 a.m.

Dear Colgate students,

The long and contentious presidential election process has concluded and we now know the results. While individuals may feel many different ways about this outcome, it’s important that we acknowledge our community core values of respect and the well-being of everyone.

We recognize and appreciate the unique talents and contributions of all students at Colgate. Each one of you has something important to contribute to our community. As always, our community offers a wide range of services to address student needs.

In the days and weeks ahead, we anticipate opportunities to discuss and reflect on the election. This evening at 6:30 p.m. in Love Auditorium, Kathryn Lofton will present a lecture titled “Trumping Reality: Popular Religion in American Democracy.”

Colgate values the open and respectful exchange of ideas and perspectives. Our educational mission calls us to deepen the commitment to developing human understanding and to the common good.

Mark D. Thompson
Interim Vice President and Dean of the College

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