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Why I give back to Colgate by Kathleen Dill ’89

By Kathleen Dill on February 29, 2016

An image of the Academic Quad at Coglate University

Acquaintances often ask me why I volunteer for Colgate. As many times as I’ve been asked this question it always strikes me as strange. Then I remember that those acquaintances did not attend Colgate.

Like many of you, I arrived at Colgate with a few expectations about what my four years would bring. In some cases those expectation were met and, in some cases, they were not. What I didn’t expect — and couldn’t have known — is that the school that I thought “just wasn’t right for me” and “was just like my high school” would end up giving me so much more than a bachelor of arts degree. I did learn a lot in the classes I attended (course credits? check!), but I also discovered a deep passion for fine art; first visited the city that I still love today, 26 years later; met the very best friends a person can have; and was taught never to be satisfied with delivering something that was good if I could deliver something that was great. I also learned that I had an obligation to give back. No one told me that I had to give money, time, internships, or advice, but it was clear that I should give back in whatever ways would be meaningful for me and helpful to the students. These are amazing lessons that I may have learned if I were to have matriculated elsewhere. But the fact is, I learned them at Colgate.

So in responding to that question about why I volunteer for Colgate, I explain that just as so many others gave back so that I would have a great Colgate experience, it seems obvious that I would do the same. As the grateful recipient of financial aid, a former rugger, proud sister of Delta Kappa Upsilon, and a black alumna, I give.

I wanted to let all of you — students and alumni alike —know why I give back to Colgate and why I am encouraging you to do the same. Whether or not you had a great experience in Hamilton; whether or not your dorm still exists (R.I.P. KED); and whether or not your club, sorority, fraternity, or sports team lives on; you will always be a part of the great tradition that is Colgate. In fact, this university would not be the amazing place it is today if you hadn’t driven down 12B and become part of the Colgate story.

With your involvement, Colgate will have the support it needs to continue fulfilling its ambitions to strive, improve, and evolve. There is so much that Colgate does well — just check out Facebook, Gateline, Twitter, and the Colgate website — and there is much, much more that we can, and absolutely must, do better — not 5 or 50 years from now, but today. So please contribute to helping students at this small university, in this small town, make the biggest impact in this great world.

Kathleen Dill ’89 is a trustee and alumni council member. On Leap Day (February 29, 2016) she has challenged recent alumni (2006–2015) to make a gift to Colgate. All recent alumni who do so by midnight will be invited to participate on a call with Kathleen and fellow alumni council member, Tim Seamans ’02 later this month about the benefits of engagement with Colgate. To make a gift, visit colgate.edu/makeagift or to learn more call 1-800-668-4428.

1 Comment

  • Bob Quitzau '55 said:

    Kathleen Dill represents “the Spirit that is Colgate.” Many things have changed at Colgate over the years, but one of the things that hasn’t changed is the ability of Colgate to attract people of such character and generosity of spirit. I will never forget our common experiences while serving on the Alumni Council.

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