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SOAN AA Karen Austin Wins Oak Award for Sustainability!

By Chris Henke on April 18, 2017

Many congratulations to SOAN Administrative Assistant Karen Austin, who was recognized with Colgate’s Oak Award last week at the annual Green Summit.  The Oak Award is given to those members of the Colgate community who are outstanding champions for the cause of sustainability.  When presenting the award, student Dominic Wilkins read the following citation for Karen: “This Oak Award goes to an outstanding member of Colgate’s staff who has dedicated a lot of time and effort to sustainability over the last year. This person serves on Colgate’s Sustainability Council and as a Chair of the Administrative Assistants Best Practices Group. They have been a leader in sustainability among the Administrative Assistants and the greater Colgate community. Please join me in recognizing the 2016-2017 Staff Oak Award Winner, Ms. Karen Austin.”

Congratulations, Karen, and thanks for all you do to green the SOAN Department and Colgate!

Karen Austin, winner of the Oak Award, for “outstanding contribution to sustainability” at Colgate.

Sociology Honors Seminar Hosts Research Poster Session

By Chris Henke on April 17, 2017

On Thursday, March 23, eight Sociology majors in the Honors Thesis Workshop (SOC 495) presented their research projects via a poster session held in the SOAN Lounge.  The students have been working with Prof Carolyn Hsu on their projects since the Fall 2016 semester in a year-long honors seminar, and each was on hand to speak with interested attendees.  Participants in the seminar include: Emi Foster, Angela Jang, Sally Langan, Alison LePard, Sydney Parker, Kayla Robinson, Zoe Smith, and Chandler Wood.  The posters are still up and available for viewing in the SOAN Lounge, on the fourth floor of Alumni Hall, so please stop by and take a look!

Students in the Sociology Honors Seminar (2017): Zoe Smith, Emi Foster, Chandler Wood, Sydney Parker, Angela Jang, Alison LePard, Sally Langan, and Kayla Robinson.