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SOAN Awards!

By Chris Henke on April 29, 2014

This has been a big week for SOAN students and faculty, as our department brought in a number of major awards. On the student side, senior Evan Chartier won SOAN’s Award for Academic Excellence in Sociology and Anthropology, which is awarded to the SOAN major with the highest departmental GPA. SOAN’s other major award, the Ramshaw Service Award, is named for our departed colleague Warren Ramshaw, and recognizes outstanding community service and academic achievement; this year the Ramshaw Service Award was given to two SOAN seniors, Sarah Ebner and Shaina Kaplan.

Several other SOAN seniors also won other academic and community service awards this year, including Tess Christiansen, Hannah Fitton, Jessica HallSam Lee, Jennifer RiveraMarshall ScottMarvin Vilma, and Gillian Weaver. Evan Chartier actually won a BUNCH of awards, including Colgate’s most prestigious award for graduating seniors, the Colgate Alumni Corporation 1819 Award. Congratulations to all our student awardees—we are very proud of you and your accomplishments!

Two SOAN faculty were also honored this week with major distinctions. Professor Rhonda Levine won the 2014 French Prize for Inspirational Teaching, and Professor Mary Moran was named 2014 AAUP Professor of the Year. Congratulations—these recognitions are very well-deserved!


Evan Chartier, left, winner of the 2014 Award for Excellence in Sociology and Anthropology, Prof Chris Henke, center, and Sarah Ebner, right, winner of SOAN's Ramshaw Service Award.  Not pictured, Shaina Kaplan, winner of SOAN's Ramshaw Service Award.

Evan Chartier, left, winner of the 2014 Award for Excellence in Sociology and Anthropology, Prof Chris Henke, center, and Sarah Ebner, right, winner of SOAN’s Ramshaw Service Award. Not pictured, Shaina Kaplan, winner of SOAN’s Ramshaw Service Award.

SOAN Professor Mary Moran, left, winner of the 2014 AAUP Professor of the Year and Professor Rhonda Levine, winner of the 2014 French Prize for Inspirational Teaching.


  • Surinder Kumar Jindal said:

    Dr.Warren C Ramshaw was a Visiting Professor in Panjab University in Chandigarh India in the year 1970.I am out of touch with him and since that time.I was doing Master`s degree in Sociology and I did it 1970.I believe he must have departed by now.I had great regards for him.I do not know why I started to search for him.He was a good teacher.

    My regards for him wherever he is.


    • Evan Chartier said:

      Hi Surinder,

      Thank you for posting a comment on this article, but mostly thank you for giving me an opportunity to research Dr. Warren C. Ramshaw. I am sorry to have found out that Dr. Ramshaw passed away in August 2005. His obituary may be found here: http://obits.syracuse.com/obituaries/syracuse/obituary.aspx?n=warren-c-ramshaw&pid=14933317.

      It sounds like Dr. Ramshaw was a very skilled professor and mentor who was loved by the Colgate community. I am glad you had the opportunity to learn from him, and that his memory remains with you even 46 years later.

      Thank you
      Evan Chartier

  • Evan Chartier said:

    Thank you Professor Hsu. SOAN definitely showed that we are not a department to mess with yesterday! I appreciate your kind words. It is an honor to be recognized with the same award that went to Vic and Maggie over the past two years. Very big footsteps to follow in.

  • Carolyn Hsu said:

    Congratulations, everyone! The fourth floor of Alumni is glowing with pride.

    Evan – the 1819 Award! Wow! I remember, during the awards ceremony years ago, a new professor asking the prof next to her, “What is the 1819 Award for?” The experienced professor whispered back, “It’s for the best person at Colgate.” So that must be who you are.

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