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The Colgate Freiburg Study Group


Dr. Freud

By Sissi Tess on April 18, 2014

For anyone interested in Psychology the one thing that can’t be left out on a tour through Vienna is a visit to the Freud Museum.

The museum is on 19 Berggasse, the apartment where Freud lived and held his practice in Vienna. The apartment is divided in eight rooms containing original furnishings, and an exhibition on the history of psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud’s life. The first room, for example, where Dr. Freud listened and analyzed his patients, has its walls covered by some of the doctor’s original documents, and gives the visitor an introduction to Freud’s life, telling a little about his family and his relations to the Royal Society (London).

Visitors also get a chance to read and learn more about Freud’s work, such as his discoveries and development of psychoanalysis, and studies and researches on dreams, cocaine, the Unconscious, sexuality, femininity, and of course the Id, the ego and the super-ego. There are also documents from all kinds of historical figures, from writers like Ludwig Börne to physicians such as Josef Breuer, whom Sigmund Freud studied and was influenced by.

The museum has extent information on different areas of Psychology, which can be used to either explore more of Freud’s ideas, or just use them all to analyze him yourself.

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