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Sociological Images: “Why do the Japanese Draw Themselves as White?”

By Department of Sociology and Anthropology on March 24, 2014

(Editor’s note: This article was written by Associate Professor of Sociology Carolyn Hsu)

Picture of White Japanese Hsu Blog

One thing I love about sociology and anthropology is that they are useful everywhere. They offer an excellent perspective for thinking about important and meaningful issues, but also for analyzing fun and amusing topics. Even better, they help us see what is important and meaningful about fun and amusing topics. So I can read Entertainment Weekly and still feel like I’m doing something deep and intellectual.

A great place to enjoy this intersection between fun and meaningful is Sociological Images , a website with short articles like, “What Do Little Girls Really Learn from ‘Career ‘Barbies?” and “Questioning Media Portrayals of Female Drunkenness,” as well as pieces on the relationship between “stand your ground” laws and racial bias. My current favorite is “Why do the Japanese Draw Themselves as White?” Check it out.

— Carolyn Hsu

1 Comment

  • Cindy Gaete said:

    Wow, thanks for the website! It’s true, once you have a sociological/anthropological background, you can’t ever really “turn it off.” For example, I’m currently enrolled in Social Inequality and have learned about the origins of ghettos. Driving into the city- Harlem specifically- during Spring Break, sociology is screaming at my face everywhere.
    Can’t wait to explore the website more, and when I open my guilty magazine as well, I’ll feel a little better knowing that there’s always a chance of further analysis haha.

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