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SOAN prof Michelle Bigenho launches new website on indigenous heritage

By Chris Henke on June 16, 2015

We are delighted to announce the launch of the Spanish-English bilingual website, “Rethinking Creativity, Recognition and Indigenous Heritage,” a work of public scholarship that examines some of the following questions:

· What happens when cultures come under regimes of intellectual property and/or heritage registration programs?

· What happens when these already entangled questions take center stage in a country like Bolivia, where much of the population might be identified as indigenous?

The conundrums of cultural and intellectual property rights, especially when intersecting with indigenous rights, continue to puzzle scholars and policy makers around the world. These dilemmas were central to the dialogues of Coroico 2012, a workshop organized in Bolivia by Colgate University’s Dr. Michelle Bigenho (SOAN/ALST), in collaboration with and Dr. Henry Stobart (Royal Holloway University of London).

In addition to reading about these conversations and methodologies, readers are encouraged to download, modify, and reuse the materials that were designed and structured for use in Coroico 2012, particularly the agenda, case studies, and related glossary. Dr. Bigenho and Dr. Stobart share these materials in the hope that they will spark more conversations, local debates, and necessarily distinct responses to these dilemmas.

The workshop, website, and related dissemination activities were funded through a National Science Foundation Grant (award #1156260). Any opinions, findings, conclusions and/or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

<submitted by Prof Michelle Bigenho>

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